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500 Followers Giveaway !

This Giveaway is now closed ! I'll draw a winner very soon :)
Thanks all for entering :D

Hi dear readers !

What a good surprise I got when I came back home today ! I've reached 500 followers, yay !!

I really want to thank you all for reading my blog, commenting, and coming back again, that's so pleasant for me :)

Of course, the best way to thank you is to make this little giveaway :) I'm planning it since I have 490 followers ... So here's what I chose to offer you !

If you're my winner, everything inside the box will be yours ... Except the box, it was a Xmas gift from a friend and I love it :p That's where I stock my bottles waiting to be offered to friends or in a giveaway ^^

Almost everything is from Catrice and Essence new collections. Let's get some details ...

Iron Mermaiden, In The Bronx, Forget-Me-Not !, Sir! Yes, Sir !, Miss Piggy Reloaded, Blue Cara Ciao, Dirty Berry
Glisten Up ! (discontinued), Lime Up !, Very Berry, Where's the Party ?, Can't Cheat on Me
I'll add some little things later, I'd really like to get a Gosh Holographic for the winner but these are not always available ...
I hope you'll like my choice !

Now, to the serious things ... How to enter ?

Please enter using the form below. I won't accept any entry within the comments !

- Be a follower via Google Friends Connect
- Provide me your email address to contact you if you win

Additionnal Entries
- Blog about this giveaway. Include a pic in a post, on your sidebar, on a special page, no matter how, as long as there's a pic it will count ^^ (+1)
- Become a fan of my Facebook page (here) by clicking on the Like button (+1)
- Tweet about this giveaway (+1)
- Add Sweet Sugar to your blogroll (+1)

That's a total of 4 entries ... Quite good, isn't it ? :)

I also added some questions that won't count for entries, it's just for fun. You don't have to answer them but I'd be very pleased if you do :)
If you have a nails related blog and want to be included in my blogroll, just let me know it within the form, I'll add you :)

This giveaway will be closed on May, 21st. That lets you one month to enter and tell your friends.
And as usual, it's  open internationnally :)

After the closing date, I'll chose a winner with Randomizer.com. The winner will have 48hrs to contact me, otherwise I'll have to choose another one.

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