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A day of rest is planned . . .

 . . . but before I can settle down with a book or some sewing, I have to unload the car.  I've done half of it but come inside to recoup some energy.  Tam went home last night, having helped all weekend.  I couldn't have managed without her.  We made new friends amongst our fellow traders as we were in a different spot, and Saturday was very busy.   Yesterday was quite another matter as the Met Office got the weather totally wrong.  It was meant to be raining pretty well much of the day - instead we had a heavy shower around 8 a.m. and then it cleared up.  However, that forecast had caused most of the outside traders to pack up and go home (especially the ones who don't have gazebo's to keep their stock and them dry) and it really affected visitor numbers.  The place was empty!  You could see folk coming in the distance, one or two at a time, and very few people were buying.  

This loved-to-bits old quilt went straight away, to the first dealer who arrived.

    I came back mid-afternoon with the first carful of awkward to pack stuff, and the sun was out by then and by the time I got unpacked I was "glowing" as they say of "ladies".  Well, I thought to myself, if I was a racehorse, they'd be chucking buckets of water at me!  At least I was able to feed the cats and get Keith a cup of tea, as it was going to be gone 5 p.m. before we would get back after the Fair ended.  I was so tired last night, after I'd cooked Keith a meal, and Tam had gone home, I just had two glasses of wine and two bags of crisps for my "meal"!


It was an odds and sods fair for me as I am trying to clear stock from pre-Covid, when I had a small business and traded regularly.  Some old friends went, others are here for a Fair next year, although really I should list some stuff on Etsy or FB Marketplace and try and clear the decks a bit.

    Keith enjoyed himself, being at the Fair for a few hours on both Friday and Saturday, seeing old friends and buying another Windsor chair to clean up and make beautiful again.  As I will be the one to be doing the work on it - think rubbing down and polishing as someone cleaned old paint/varnish off with Nitromors - I wish I had had some say in the purchase! Anyway, he had to rest up completely yesterday.  The new add-on pill which was meant to give him energy, worked a couple of days, then stopped.  His neck is very sore and we need to see if the Physio will offer better advice than trying to tuck the chin in to loosen the muscles.

    Theo is still a big worry as although he has an appetite, he will only have the occasional biscuit, and is so fussy about which sachet food he will eat from meal to meal (mind you the others are being incredibly picky too) and if the food has lumps he just licks the gravy or jelly off.  The weight loss was so sudden I think it is probably cancer. I will keep trying to tempt him but if he stops eating, or carries on losing weight, sadly that will mean a hard decision.  Oh dear, life has heavy burdens at the moment.

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