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Spring is springing

There are some signs in the garden that Spring has finally arrived here in Scotland! 

We've had a few good days in a row with actual sunshine this week! 

The Spring flowers are in full bloom at last :-)

Even my peony is in bud 

But most exciting of all is that things are growing in the polytunnel!!  The radishes are up.

My rocket is up 

My bargain Jamie Oliver Grow Your Own kit of salad leaves is producing shoots despite having a sow by date of 2014!  This is on a sunny window sill rather than in the polytunnel.

And my seed potatoes arrived, also chitting on the sunny window sill.  I chose King Edwards (main crop, good for roasting, baking and home made chips) and Sarpo Mira (a good all rounder, late main crop) These will be grown in potato bags in my front garden.  It feels like the growing season has now begun :-)

I've had my first week of changed hours at work.  It was nice to be off on Monday.  Working with the older kids on a Tuesday is going to be demanding as they've got 'attitude.'  Then I had 3 days with my own class.  I know it's early days but it's going to be a tough term.  I know already I just don't like this job sharing arrangement.  However, it's a means to an end and I can suck it up for the next 9 weeks then I'm back full time for the new academic year in August.

Next week I'm off on Monday and Wednesday.  I'm hoping the weather stays dry so I can do more to the garden and get more edible planting done :-)

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