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White Iris

It's no surprise to the people that know me that white flowers are my favorite. Though I have liked many other colors in the past. For a time I loved all the jewel tone colors...deep purples, cranberry,deep orange since it looks so good against our dark green painted house. To be honest I've liked and experimented with all colors of flowers for myself at home. But I seem to come back to white every couple of years. I just never tire of it. Maybe it's because I'm surrounded by color all day long that I enjoy the simplicity of it. I guess I'm borrowing that thought from interior decorators who often have white interiors for themselves so they can be home and not always be over thinking their space. Or is that over simplifying it?
What are your favorite colors???? and why?
White Irises are one of my favorite flowers. Fleur de lis as the french call them. I wish I knew what the symbolism was in ancient french courts and why they used it? I found a poem the other day that reveals the reason they may have used this magficent flower. See what you think?
A White Iris
Tall and clothed in samite,
Chaste and pure,
In smooth armor,
Your head held high,
In it's helmet,
Of silver:
Jean D'Arc riding
Among the sword blades!
Has Spring for you
Wrought visions,
As it did for her
In a garden?
Pauline B. Barrington

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