1) So this month was the month of movies and TV for me. I spent a lot of time watching Netflix because I mean really, I don't have anything else better to do. But I stumbled upon possibly the greatest life hack of the century. I originally saw this on Pinterest and HOLY CRAP ITS CHANGED MY LIFE. Before you start you have to be using Google a Chrome to do this because you need to be able to use the Extension feature.
Step 1: Open up Chrome, Google search Hola extension.
Step 2: It should be the first result that pops up. Click on it and follow the steps to download it.
Step 3: Once it's downloaded you should see like a little flame icon at the end of your URL search bar. Now type in Netflix.com, click on the flame and change it to Great Britain. Log in to your Netflix account as usual and VOILA! You should now be able to fully access the UK version of Netflix and have about a million more TV shows and movies at your disposal! They have sooooo many that the US Netflix doesn't. They do have some shows/movies that can only be accessed by the US but you can just change it back. The only other downside is that you don't have a 'My List' but I just wrote down all the movies/shows I wanted to watch on a note on my iPad. Other than these two little things, this is the greatest thing ever. It has changed the Netflix game forever.
Step 1: Open up Chrome, Google search Hola extension.
Step 2: It should be the first result that pops up. Click on it and follow the steps to download it.
Step 3: Once it's downloaded you should see like a little flame icon at the end of your URL search bar. Now type in Netflix.com, click on the flame and change it to Great Britain. Log in to your Netflix account as usual and VOILA! You should now be able to fully access the UK version of Netflix and have about a million more TV shows and movies at your disposal! They have sooooo many that the US Netflix doesn't. They do have some shows/movies that can only be accessed by the US but you can just change it back. The only other downside is that you don't have a 'My List' but I just wrote down all the movies/shows I wanted to watch on a note on my iPad. Other than these two little things, this is the greatest thing ever. It has changed the Netflix game forever.
2) Keeping in trend with the movie/TV show theme I went and saw The Fault in Our Stars at the premiere showing with my best friend.
I read the book some time before, per her recommendation and fell in love. I cried, I laughed, I was angry, I was happy. One of the best books I've read! I knew I wanted to see it the night it came out and she did too so I bought the tickets and away we went! I brought Kleenex cause I knew I was gonna bawl and boy did I bawl. The entire movie was perfect. It was one of the best book to film adaptations that I've ever watched. It was so spot on to the book. All in all it was amazing and I highly recommend seeing it. Ansel and Shailene were the perfect Gus and Hazel. I knew I wanted to see it again and I saw it at the drive- in with a group of my friends and I still cried. Not quite as much but certain scenes still got me cryin. You'd think seeing a second time would make it easier.... nope it makes it worse cause you know what's coming but can't stop it. #allofthefeels
3) I also saw 22 Jump Street with another friend this month and if you haven't seen it go. It will make you laugh for sure! Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill are back going undercover as college students this time investigating a student death.
These two are just hilarious together! I loooved 21 Jump Street and was worried that with all the hype with the second it would either be a complete disappointment or be awesome. It was the second one. The dialogue is spot on and there are so many hilarious references and innuendos it's pretty great. It was just a great movie to watch if you wanna go see something on a Friday night.
I read the book some time before, per her recommendation and fell in love. I cried, I laughed, I was angry, I was happy. One of the best books I've read! I knew I wanted to see it the night it came out and she did too so I bought the tickets and away we went! I brought Kleenex cause I knew I was gonna bawl and boy did I bawl. The entire movie was perfect. It was one of the best book to film adaptations that I've ever watched. It was so spot on to the book. All in all it was amazing and I highly recommend seeing it. Ansel and Shailene were the perfect Gus and Hazel. I knew I wanted to see it again and I saw it at the drive- in with a group of my friends and I still cried. Not quite as much but certain scenes still got me cryin. You'd think seeing a second time would make it easier.... nope it makes it worse cause you know what's coming but can't stop it. #allofthefeels
3) I also saw 22 Jump Street with another friend this month and if you haven't seen it go. It will make you laugh for sure! Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill are back going undercover as college students this time investigating a student death.
These two are just hilarious together! I loooved 21 Jump Street and was worried that with all the hype with the second it would either be a complete disappointment or be awesome. It was the second one. The dialogue is spot on and there are so many hilarious references and innuendos it's pretty great. It was just a great movie to watch if you wanna go see something on a Friday night.
4) Recently I've been obsessed with watching USA Network TV shows. Three of my absolute favorites happen to be USA shows. And all 3 I have happened to watch this month. First up is White Collar.
5) Next from USA is Graceland. This show aired last summer and I found it on Hulu and was hooked immediately! It follows the lives of a group of undercover agents from the DEA, FBI and ICE that work cases in a confiscated beach house in Southern California known as "Graceland".
It follows rookie agent Mike Warren played by Aaron Tveit as he gets assigned to Graceland and learns the ropes of being an undercover agent. He's befriended by the other agents especially Paul Briggs, Daniel Sunjata, who's the man in charge. Graceland has a lot of action with a hint of comedy and romance. It's definitely a more serious show than some of USA's others. I really like it as it's different than your typical 'crime' shows. The plot and story line is interesting and keeps you invested. It's not the same plot or case rewritten. It's currently on air this summer on USA Network on Wednesdays at 10/9c. You can watch the entire first season and the first few episodes of season two on Hulu.
6) The last USA show is Suits, which I recently just found out about. I have no idea how I stumbled upon it but I watched the first episode on Netflix UK and I was like "Hey this is really good. I dig" and so I started watching.
This show is much more like White Collar in the sense of characters, script and story line. It follows Mike Ross played by Patrick J. Adams, a borderline genius who takes people's college exams for them in exchange for money. He get's roped into delivering drugs to a bust and stumbles into an interview room for Harvey Specter, Gabriel Macht, a top New York City lawyer. Mike proves that he is undoubtedly the best candidate using his wit and intelligence and is hired, despite not attending college or law school. The series follows Mike and Harvey as they tackle cases for the firm and try to keep Mike's secret a secret. Suits is funny, witty and pretty interesting. Much like White Collar it doesn't hurt that Harvey wears impeccable suits and has perfect hair. I think that's a thing that USA does, all their male lead characters have to dress well and have perfect hair. I'm not complaining.
Ok I swear that was the last TV/movie favorite now onto the non- TV/movie favorites!
7) I've been wearing this black romper that I got from Wet Seal like craaazy. I mentioned it in my Getting Ready with Me: Movie Night post where I styled it with a denim vest, brown ankle sandals and a layered necklace.

While I haven't posted outfits to Instagram I've been wearing this every chance I get. I've styled it with sandals, Converse, kiminos, necklaces and just wearing it plain! This has to be the most versatile piece of clothing that I own. I'm obsessed with it and with rompers in general!
8) I went shopping with a good friend of mine earlier in the month and stopped by Bath and Body Work's huge semi annual sale and picked up....... a few things. I bought the London Tulips and Raspberry body spray and OH MY LANTA does this smell amazing!
It's sweet, fruity, romantic, sophisticated, light but powerful. It's literally all I've been wearing this month. I love it and it's perfect for summer! If you're looking for a new scent to try go try this one!
White Collar follows convicted white collar criminal felon Neal Caffery played by Matt Bomer, who was caught by Agent Peter Burke, Tim DeKay, and cuts a deal to be a criminal consultant to the FBI in exchange for not being in prison. The show follows the different white collar crimes Neal and Peter solve and the shenanigans him and his best friend Mozzie, get up to in New York. The show has it all: action, romance, comedy, drama; it's got something for everyone. It's actually super interesting the art of conning and seeing how white collar criminals work. Granted I don't know how much of this is accurate but nonetheless it's a good watch.So far there are 4 seasons on Netflix US. If you're looking for a new TV show to start this one is a must watch!
And I mean seeing Matt Bomer shirtless and always in an impeccable suit isn't so bad either. ;)
5) Next from USA is Graceland. This show aired last summer and I found it on Hulu and was hooked immediately! It follows the lives of a group of undercover agents from the DEA, FBI and ICE that work cases in a confiscated beach house in Southern California known as "Graceland".
It follows rookie agent Mike Warren played by Aaron Tveit as he gets assigned to Graceland and learns the ropes of being an undercover agent. He's befriended by the other agents especially Paul Briggs, Daniel Sunjata, who's the man in charge. Graceland has a lot of action with a hint of comedy and romance. It's definitely a more serious show than some of USA's others. I really like it as it's different than your typical 'crime' shows. The plot and story line is interesting and keeps you invested. It's not the same plot or case rewritten. It's currently on air this summer on USA Network on Wednesdays at 10/9c. You can watch the entire first season and the first few episodes of season two on Hulu.
6) The last USA show is Suits, which I recently just found out about. I have no idea how I stumbled upon it but I watched the first episode on Netflix UK and I was like "Hey this is really good. I dig" and so I started watching.
This show is much more like White Collar in the sense of characters, script and story line. It follows Mike Ross played by Patrick J. Adams, a borderline genius who takes people's college exams for them in exchange for money. He get's roped into delivering drugs to a bust and stumbles into an interview room for Harvey Specter, Gabriel Macht, a top New York City lawyer. Mike proves that he is undoubtedly the best candidate using his wit and intelligence and is hired, despite not attending college or law school. The series follows Mike and Harvey as they tackle cases for the firm and try to keep Mike's secret a secret. Suits is funny, witty and pretty interesting. Much like White Collar it doesn't hurt that Harvey wears impeccable suits and has perfect hair. I think that's a thing that USA does, all their male lead characters have to dress well and have perfect hair. I'm not complaining.
Ok I swear that was the last TV/movie favorite now onto the non- TV/movie favorites!
7) I've been wearing this black romper that I got from Wet Seal like craaazy. I mentioned it in my Getting Ready with Me: Movie Night post where I styled it with a denim vest, brown ankle sandals and a layered necklace.

While I haven't posted outfits to Instagram I've been wearing this every chance I get. I've styled it with sandals, Converse, kiminos, necklaces and just wearing it plain! This has to be the most versatile piece of clothing that I own. I'm obsessed with it and with rompers in general!
8) I went shopping with a good friend of mine earlier in the month and stopped by Bath and Body Work's huge semi annual sale and picked up....... a few things. I bought the London Tulips and Raspberry body spray and OH MY LANTA does this smell amazing!
It's sweet, fruity, romantic, sophisticated, light but powerful. It's literally all I've been wearing this month. I love it and it's perfect for summer! If you're looking for a new scent to try go try this one!
9) Last but certainly not least is Ed Sheeran's new album, X. This has been my highly anticipated album of the summer. I'm a massive Ed Sheeran fan like his first album is probably one of my most favorite albums ever. His music is so honest, raw and intimate.
This album is flawless. There's not a single bad track on the entire freaking thing. Every song is a musical masterpiece. Ed's voice has deepened and matured since + and he's explored a different, but similar sound in this album. He has a couple of tracks where he raps and man can that boy rap. Who woulda thought that a white, ginger could spit a tune like that. My favorite songs are One, Photograph, Tenerife Sea, Thinking Out Loud and Afire Love. I love these ones because they are more focused on Ed's voice and the lyrics. Ed did it again with a spot on album and I can't wait to hear these songs when I see him live in September!
So that's it for June's favorites! Comment or tweet me what were some things you were loving for the month of June! Or if you watch any of the shows/movies I mentioned so we can both talk about them together! :)
Till next time!
This album is flawless. There's not a single bad track on the entire freaking thing. Every song is a musical masterpiece. Ed's voice has deepened and matured since + and he's explored a different, but similar sound in this album. He has a couple of tracks where he raps and man can that boy rap. Who woulda thought that a white, ginger could spit a tune like that. My favorite songs are One, Photograph, Tenerife Sea, Thinking Out Loud and Afire Love. I love these ones because they are more focused on Ed's voice and the lyrics. Ed did it again with a spot on album and I can't wait to hear these songs when I see him live in September!
So that's it for June's favorites! Comment or tweet me what were some things you were loving for the month of June! Or if you watch any of the shows/movies I mentioned so we can both talk about them together! :)
Till next time!
"these are a few of my favorite things"
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